I am really big on parent communication. Essentially teachers and parents must work together on the same team in order to see results in the classroom. To attempt to bridge the gap between classroom and home I send progress reports home every Friday. There at Fridays (especially around the holidays) where filling out reports and ensuring that they go home is a tall order for me, BUT I push through any obstacles and send them home. The Friday before Halloween I didn't get to send the reports home and that Monday I got 7 parent letters asking where they were. I appreciated that they appreciated the reports. To assist other teachers, I have attached the progress report in which I use. The report fits two to a page (a big YES for teachers..especially those that have to buy their own paper). I am off to bed. HEY, I managed to fit in 3 posts today and I got my first 2 followers (WATCH OUT CHICK FROM "JULIE & JULIA")..things are looking up for this blogger... tomorrow is our first day of gingerbread unit in class. I will post the activities tomorrow. Night. :)
12 hours ago
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