I ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner in my office at home....
....I had a mini melt at around 11:00 when I realized I made a mistake...
....I haven't spoken to Mark all day with the expectation of "I'm thirsty," or "My wrists are killing me!"
....I haven't showered...yes a fact which I am severely embarrassed to admit...
....my poor puppy has been whining for me all day....
....I have been sitting in my little office for 12 hours straight...
It feels unbelievable to me. I think once I go to the doctors and am diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel, it will feel real then. There is an insane weight lifted off of me...that's probably the 20 pound pile of baby photos and candid pictures I have been getting since January and have FINALLY finished going through.
I have odds and evens to finish up, but to me it's done! The rest is a piece of cake.
Speaking of cake...I am going to go shower to feel like a human again and have a giant piece of the cake that Mark got me. When I asked what the occasion was for such a treat, he said "It's a I'm sorry your hands will probably fall off due to the yearbook cake."
He's so charming.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Fast and efficient!
Those two words describe Lauren over at
I asked her to design some food/drink clip art for me and she did a FABULOUS job. She was so considerate and nice to work with it. She was also precise and made sure she knew my vision and what I wanted. The turnover was super fast. I was hoping for my own selfish reasons the pack would be ready for the weekend, so I could work on some combination activities for my kiddos and sure enough it was!
Here is a picture of what she did:
HOW ADORABLE IS IT? Exactly what I wanted. Teaching combinations is somewhat challenging for 3rd graders. They have been very open and aware of what they want to work on before FCAT and one of the skills they wanted to review before our BIG test was combinations. I ALWAYS use food related word problems for combinations because that seems to be the most applicable for them. The problem is, I can never find the images I need. Lauren has saved me!
I have bought several things from her store before and have always been thrilled. My kiddos think her stuff is adorable which is certainly a compliment to her. They are brutally honest. :) Make sure you check out her store. Thanks again Lauren!

Sunday, March 18, 2012
Spring break is over my friends
As I sit here and munch on cereal, I'm forced to acknowledge that my spring break is in its mere, final hours. Boy, that was fast. I am ready to get back to work though. I miss my kiddos like CRAZY and all of their charming antics!
I wish I could say I had a lot of down time. I did here or there. My main goal was to put a dent in my yearbook "homework." I did Friday night when I sat in my office from 5pm-2am working on all things yearbook. I also worked on it for 5 hours yesterday and 10 hours during the whole week. I'm so ready for this thing to be done! I'm about 80% of the way there.
There were a few things that kept me going during these marathon yearbook sessions....
First off...
I wish I could say I had a lot of down time. I did here or there. My main goal was to put a dent in my yearbook "homework." I did Friday night when I sat in my office from 5pm-2am working on all things yearbook. I also worked on it for 5 hours yesterday and 10 hours during the whole week. I'm so ready for this thing to be done! I'm about 80% of the way there.
There were a few things that kept me going during these marathon yearbook sessions....
First off...
Thank you Yummy Earth for such a wonderful gift. I killed this whole bag Friday night and then I hated those little bears for the rest of the night....the hate has since surpassed.
I also love Sweet Leaf Raspberry Tea.
Obsessed is more the word for this drink.
and lastly....
OMG, if you haven't tried these and you like hot, TRY THEM! They are fabulous. Mark and I often argue about who will hold the bag when we open these babies up. I will forewarn you they turn your fingers orange so eat them in the comfort of your house next to the kitchen sink. Thank you comfort food for making the yearbook more enjoyable!
Mark and I are going to look at a condo today. We are taking the first (baby) steps in looking for a place to buy. We're not really house kinda people...I wonder what that says about us? I'm excited, yet anxious. Looking at places, the paperwork, etc, etc...YIKES, more things to deal with right now. I'm already tired thinking about it, BUT it needs to be done. We have been renting for years and now is the time to buy.
I don't really have much to say in terms of teaching. So I will leave you with a family photo that Mark's mom just recently gave us. It's from Christmas and everyone is smiling. When I say everyone I mean Mark. Usually the camera gets him with his mouth wide open like he's catching flies. Even little Penny was cooperative. :) ICK, notice how short I am? And I am standing on my tippy toes.....

Thursday, March 15, 2012
How can it be Thursday?
My spring break is coming to an end. Where did the time go? Earlier in the week I was feeling lucky to be on spring break but now I'm feeling like the UNlucky one with majority of you guys about to embark on your break. :)
I did manage to get some things done this week...
I created some worksheets to help my kiddos with composing/decomposing shapes. This concept is pretty tricky, especially if you have some kiddos who aren't spatial. We will work on these when we get back to school to give them some extra practice before FCAT.

is hosting a great linky party for blogs that are grades 3-5. Naturally this thrills me because I teach 3rd. :) Thanks Lorraine for hosting a great party.
I did manage to get some things done this week...
I created some worksheets to help my kiddos with composing/decomposing shapes. This concept is pretty tricky, especially if you have some kiddos who aren't spatial. We will work on these when we get back to school to give them some extra practice before FCAT.
I also created a sorting activity for parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines...
...a sorting activity for perimeter...
...and an "I Have Who Has?" game for elapsed time.
Not too bad for the week but I wanted to get more done. All of these items are in my TpT store and TN shop. I am currently having a sale over at TN. Check it out!
Lorraine over at

Off to go watch TV and master the art of doing nothing. :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Donors Choose
Like every other teacher, I too have a project on Donors Choose which I desperately need funded in order to get the point I need to post another grant, plus my students would LOVE the materials I requested. The link to my teacher page on Donors Choose is on the right hand side of my blog. :)
Currently, Donors Choose is matching every dollar donated to grants. How awesome is that?
Currently, Donors Choose is matching every dollar donated to grants. How awesome is that?

Sunday, March 4, 2012
The longest post in the world to explain the big mistake
I made a BIG mistake this past week.
I went to Books-A-Million..........TWICE.
Yes, twice. (shivers)
I first went Wednesday night. My kiddos have gotten into the "Geronimo Stilton" series and they were begging me to get more. I only had about 6 of them and they had read them all.
Sure. No problem.
I had a plan for myself. I would go into the store with tunnel vision. I wouldn't look around or browse the aisles, especially the "new" section. I kept hearing Mark's voice in my head, "WE CAN'T FIT ANYMORE BOOKS IN YOUR CLASSROOM TANYA!!"
I had my game face and Cubs baseball hat on. I pulled it tightly over my face in hopes that it would block my eyes from darting to shelf to shelf and opened the front door of the store.
"Walk FAST, Tanya," I said to myself. "Go, go, go......but wait, what is that display of Dr. Seuss books over there?"
NO YOU HAVE ENOUGH DR. SEUSS BOOKS! JUST KEEP WALKING. I sniffled a bit in disappointed but kept going.
After what felt like an hour walk to the middle of the store, I finally arrived at the kids' chapter books section.
I suddenly realized my plan was flawed!
How many do I get???????
I never thought of that!
This dang series has close to 50 books in it...in addition to special editions....in addition to Geronimo's sister, Thea who has her own series....in addition to some spin off character named "Creepella" who has her own series!!!
I was beginning to hyperventilate.
My gut was telling me to take my arm and slide it across the shelf holding these books and watch them all fall into my cart.
And then I heard it......Mark's voice. "WE CAN'T FIT ANYMORE BOOKS IN YOUR CLASSROOM, TANYA!!!"
He's right ok....I'll get 3....well 7......ok10 13. I picked the ones that looked the best and headed for the checkout.
SUDDENLY I felt a violent gravitation pull to the children's picture books section.
well ok I can....
"Tanya, you will just LOOK." That's it. Then you will leave.
Ok, I can do this.
If you aren't familiar with this series, please get familiar ASAP.
My kids ADORE this series. We have read all of them. In fact, Mark read the last one when he came to visit earlier in the year. Even he enjoys them.
So naturally I had to get the new one. It was a basic life necessity.
I went to Books-A-Million..........TWICE.
Yes, twice. (shivers)
I first went Wednesday night. My kiddos have gotten into the "Geronimo Stilton" series and they were begging me to get more. I only had about 6 of them and they had read them all.
Sure. No problem.
I had a plan for myself. I would go into the store with tunnel vision. I wouldn't look around or browse the aisles, especially the "new" section. I kept hearing Mark's voice in my head, "WE CAN'T FIT ANYMORE BOOKS IN YOUR CLASSROOM TANYA!!"
I had my game face and Cubs baseball hat on. I pulled it tightly over my face in hopes that it would block my eyes from darting to shelf to shelf and opened the front door of the store.
"Walk FAST, Tanya," I said to myself. "Go, go, go......but wait, what is that display of Dr. Seuss books over there?"
NO YOU HAVE ENOUGH DR. SEUSS BOOKS! JUST KEEP WALKING. I sniffled a bit in disappointed but kept going.
After what felt like an hour walk to the middle of the store, I finally arrived at the kids' chapter books section.
I suddenly realized my plan was flawed!
How many do I get???????
I never thought of that!
This dang series has close to 50 books in it...in addition to special editions....in addition to Geronimo's sister, Thea who has her own series....in addition to some spin off character named "Creepella" who has her own series!!!
I was beginning to hyperventilate.
My gut was telling me to take my arm and slide it across the shelf holding these books and watch them all fall into my cart.
And then I heard it......Mark's voice. "WE CAN'T FIT ANYMORE BOOKS IN YOUR CLASSROOM, TANYA!!!"
He's right ok....I'll get 3....well 7......ok
SUDDENLY I felt a violent gravitation pull to the children's picture books section.
well ok I can....
"Tanya, you will just LOOK." That's it. Then you will leave.
Ok, I can do this.
If you aren't familiar with this series, please get familiar ASAP.
My kids ADORE this series. We have read all of them. In fact, Mark read the last one when he came to visit earlier in the year. Even he enjoys them.
So naturally I had to get the new one. It was a basic life necessity.
And I wasn't worried about Mark because he is a fan too.
Although it's a hardcover. YIKES on the price. That fact lasted literally 2 seconds in my head but then I was over it. THERE WAS ONE COPY AND IT WAS ALL MINE.
I know I should have left....
....and been satisfied with my great find.....
.....I kept looking.
It's called "The 3 Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot."
After hugging it for 20 minutes I put it into my cart. Another hardcover...oh life is so unfair.
Then I remembered that the new "My Weider School" book came out earlier in February but when I went to go get it a few days after its release date, it wasn't there and I had several disappointed students in my class.
Go ahead Tanya and look because it's not going to be there.
Of course, it was. My cheapest purchase though.....$4.00. I breathed a sign of relief. No problem there.
Then I ran to the checkout. LITERALLY RAN. Several people turned their heads as the sound of my cart speed past them, but I had to get out before I lost my mind with excitement.
Library Mouse saved my life with Mark. He was so excited that I found a new one that he didn't realize the other 437 books sitting in the bag. He did however make me promise to hold onto the book and save it for when he comes to read at the end of the year. *sign* Okay.
Here is a picture of my finds:
Penny approved the loot. :)
Then today Mark and I were out shopping...
...and then he said something that opened Pandora's Box.
"You know...your kids are like INSANE readers that read everything in sight. They will tear through those chapter books you got in a few weeks. I know you're just dying to get more of that Geronimo series to finish your collection. We should just go to BAM and get the rest of the ones you need"
I have been plotting all week how and when I was going to finish that series.
"OKAY!" I said.
16 books later...I have a stack of books which comes to my knee and this long post to show for it.
BUT in my defense today was all Mark's FAULT. Blame him. I sure am. :)

geronimo stilton,
read alouds
Awards I don't deserve
I am a terrible blogger. These past few weeks I have had NO time to comment on other people's blogs, comment on the comments I receive and post every day. I'm feeling like a blog loser.
I felt even worse when I read through my comments and realized several people had given me awards this week. :( I am so grateful. How sweet to think of this terrible, loser blogger.
Natalie over at Teachery Tidbits gave me the One Lovely Blog Award. She is so fabulous! Please check out her blog. She teaches 1st grade and has AWESOME resources.

gave me the Liebster Award. Thanks guys! I'm so glad you did because then I discovered your adorable blog! I'm your newest follower!
Where's my award for "Worst Blogger Ever?" I really should have been given that.
I spent 7 hours yesterday editing and putting together my kids' "mixed up fairy tales" movies. Now I'm burning 18 copies which is taking FOREVER!! If only there were 45 hours in a day. Their excitement tomorrow will reassure me that it was all worth it. :)
I felt even worse when I read through my comments and realized several people had given me awards this week. :( I am so grateful. How sweet to think of this terrible, loser blogger.
Natalie over at Teachery Tidbits gave me the One Lovely Blog Award. She is so fabulous! Please check out her blog. She teaches 1st grade and has AWESOME resources.
Julie over at
also gave me the One Lovely Blog Award. Julie, you rock! Julie teaches 3rd grade (same as me). Her bulletin boards are precious. Thanks again Julie!
and finally, Ashley and Erica from

Saturday, March 3, 2012
Here is the winner of my first giveaway...
Congrats Erika! Please send me your email so I can send your gift card.

Friday, March 2, 2012
Giveaway ends tonight!
Remember my giveaway ends tonight when I fall asleep, which is 7:30. Just kidding, it's Friday so around 11. I'll announce the winner tomorrow.
Click on the image to get more details.
I'm going to go take a nap and then head out to dinner with Mark. Long week = no cooking.

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